Sunday, 25 May 2008

Medio Fondo Cymru

Here's the stats:
3100m ascent
1 clif bar
1 banana
1 flapjack
1 sausage butty
1 power gel
average windspeed: 192 mph
rain: yes, that too.

The first 90km was quite good. Managed to chain gang across to Ysbty Ifan into a nasty headwind, which was good. Long section from Plas y Brenin where I was on my own pretty much until Maentwrog. After Trawsfynydd it went gruesome, special mention should go to the 4 mile climb into a bastard headwind just as it started raining.
Probably not the most fun I've ever had on a bike, but it's good to do these things. Isn't it?

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