Sunday, 9 September 2007

Denver - Dillon Reservoir (01/09/07)

Woke up at 3.30. got up about 5am and had a shave. Managed to make enough noise to convince Sue that she might as well get up too, she wasn't sleeping anyway. By 6.30 we were in the pool, then we moved next door to the jacuzzi. Jet lag never felt so good.

We dumped our stuff at the RV rental place and took a bus into town to go shopping at REI – the outdoor megastore. Bad idea – I spent a ton of money. Minor mishap getting the bus back, we naively assumed that if the 31 bus took us from 98th to Spere Avenue then to get back to 98th we just needed to pick up the 31 going back the other way. Not that easy though is it? Still, we had a nice tour of residential Denver.

The RV was bigger than the one we booked, which was nice and they got a bike rack for us too. First priority was to buy food – the Eggs Benedict I'd had for breakfast were great, but that was 8 hours ago. So the first meal in our new home was in Safeway's car park – classy.

We hit the I70 and headed west and in just over an hour we were rolling into Lowry campground above Dillon Reservoir – lovely spot. I built the bikes, Sue sorted the unpacking and made dinner and that was that.

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